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REASON Winter School 2019

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3rd Interdisciplinary REASON Winter School 2019

Bridging the research-practice gap: Advancing evidence-based argumentation 
February 18th - 20th 2019, TUM School of Education  

Evidence-based argumentation is a crucial skill in modern knowledge societies, where people (e.g., professionals, citizens, or students) need to solve complex problems, take far-reaching decisions, and be able to defend these on the basis of sound arguments and evidence. Evidence-based argumentation is the skill to construct logical arguments that are based on evidence, and as such, is related to evidence-generation and evidence-evaluation skills, as well as to scientific reasoning. The REASON doctoral school invites young researchers to its 2019 Interdisciplinary Winter School to discuss how evidence-based argumentation can be advanced across different populations, including children, students, or professionals, such as physicians, teachers, or social workers.

20171005_TUM_School_of_Education_AE_KB_113Highlights of the scientific program include keynote lectures from international experts on science learning and science motivation (Judy Harackiewicz, University of Wisconsin-Madison), on science education and fostering argumentation (Sibel Erduran, University of Oxford), on reasoning and argumentation in science (Stephan Hartmann, MCMP/LMU Munich), and on methods for argument evaluation and argument invention (Douglas Walton, University of Winsor). The workshops address the topics of teachers' use of scientific evidence (Konrad Krainer, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt; Stefan Ufer, LMU Munich and Andras Csanadi, UniBW München), evidence-based dialogue and practice (Riikka Hofmann, University of Cambridge), evidence-based argumentation (Andreas Hetmanek and Maximilian Knogler, Technical University of Munich) and meta-analyses as evidence generation and evaluation methods (Karsten Stegmann, LMU Munich).

The winter school aims to promote mutual awareness and appreciation of the different disciplines as well as to further consolidate possible cross-disciplinary collaboration. Researchers will have the chance to exchange research results, share challenges and propose innovative ideas, in the aforementioned areas.

Download the REASON Winter School 2019 Flyer & Poster.

Tina Seidel (TUM), Frank Fischer (LMU), Martin Fischer (LMU), Moritz Heene (LMU), Heinrich Hußmann (LMU), Birgit Neuhaus (LMU), Reinhard Pekrun (LMU), Beate Sodian (LMU), Stefan Ufer (LMU), Manfred Prenzel (TUM), Kristina Reiss (TUM), Birgit Dorner (KSH), Sabine Pankofer (KSH), Ingo Kollar (Augsburg University), Johannes Bauer (Erfurt University)

Scientific Coordination Team
Tina Seidel, Frank Fischer, Christopher Osterhaus, Irina Ciobanu, Anastasia Datsogianni, Despoina Georgiou, Olga Ioannidou, Mary Opio




The REASON Winter School 2019 is funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria


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We would also like to extend our appreciation to our conference materials sponsor.



Fotos: © .shock + + Astrid Eckert/ TUM