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Florian Spensberger - Scientific Reasoning & Evidence-Based Practice in Social Work

Dissertation: Scientific Reasoning & Evidence-Based Practice in Social Work
Graduation year: 2020

Supervisors: Prof. Sabine Pankofer (KSH), Prof. Ingo Kollar (University of Augsburg) and Prof. Eileen Gambrill (University of California in Berkeley)

Incubator Stay:
University of California in Berkeley, Prof. Eileen Gambrill


  • Spensberger, F., Kollar, I., & Pankofer, S. (2019). Effects of worked examples and external Scripts on social work students’ fallacy revelation skills: A randomized controlled trial. Manuscript in preparation. (peer-reviewed)
  • Spensberger, F. (in press). The digitalization of a social work theory: Experiences of a german child welfare social worker. (peer-reviewed)
  • Eckl, M., Löwenstein, H., Ghanem, C., & Spensberger, F. (2019). Die Entwicklung der Sozialen Arbeit von separaten Gruppen hin zu einer scientific community: Eine soziale Netzwerkanalyse. Manuscript in preperation (peer-reviewed)
  • Spensberger, F., Kollar, I., Gambrill, E., Ghanem, C., & Pankofer, S. (2019). How to teach evidence-based practice in social work: A systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice. (peer-reviewed)
  • Ghanem, C., Spensberger, F., & Kollar, I. (2017). Die Diffusion von evidenzbasierter Praxis. Eine Literaturanalyse der EBP-Netzwerke in den Vereinigten Staaten und in deutschsprachigen Ländern, Neue Praxis, 2017/5, S. 438-456. (peer-reviewed)

Conference presentations

  • Spensberger, F., Kollar, I., Gambrill, E., Ghanem, C., & Pankofer, S. (2019, Juni). How to teach evidence-based practice in social work: A systematic review. Paper presented at EASSW 2019: Meanings of quality of social work education in a changing Europe, Madrid, Spain
  • Spensberger, F., Kollar, I., & Pankofer, S. (2019, Juni). Effects of worked examples and external scripts on social work students’ fallacy revelation skills. Paper presented at EASSW 2019: Meanings of quality of social work education in a changing Europe, Madrid, Spain
  • Spensberger, F., Pankofer, S., & Kollar, I. (2019, Februar). Scaffolding evidence-based reasoning skills of social work students – Effects of worked examples and external scripts on social work students’ internal fallacy revelation scripts. Poster presented at REASON Winter School 2019: Bridging the research-practice-gap – Advancing evidence-based argumentation, Munich, Germany
  • Spensberger, F., Pankofer, S., Ghanem, C., Gambrill, E., & Kollar, I. (2018, Oktober). Educational interventions to teach evidence-based practice to social workers and social work students: A systematic review. Poster presented at GEIS 2018: Evidence, synthesis and implementation: creating impact for stronger communities around the world, Melbourne, Australien.
  • Spensberger, F., Pankofer, S., & Kollar, I. (2018, Oktober). Scaffolding evidence-based reasoning skills of social work students – effects of worked examples and external scripts. Poster presented at EARLI SIG 26 2018: Argumentation, Dialogue and Reasoning, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • Spensberger, F., Pankofer, S., & Kollar, I. (2018, April). Didaktische Unterstützung evidenzbasierter Denkprozesse von Student*innen der Sozialen Arbeit - Bildungserzieherische Interventionen evidenzbasierter Praxis & Effekte von Lösungsbeispielen und Externaler Skripte auf die Entwicklung internaler Skripte von Sozialarbeitsstudent*innen zur Identifikation von Argumentationsfehlern. Poster presented at DGSA Pre-con 2018: Teilhabe, Solidarität und bürgerschaftliche Identifikation in einer pluralen Gesellschaft, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Spensberger, F., Pankofer, S., & Kollar, I. (2018, April). Scaffolding evidence-based reasoning skills of social work students – Effects of worked examples and external scripts. Poster presented at ESWRA 2018: Social Work in Transition: Challenges for Social Work Research in a Changing Local and Global World, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Spensberger, F., Pankofer, S., & Kollar, I. (2018, März). The revelation of social work fallacies: Using script theory in critical thinking education. Poster presented at REASON Spring School 2018: Advances in measuring scientific reasoning and argumentation, Munich, Germany.